Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why MNsure May Not Be the Best Healthcare Option

It is important to understand your healthcare plan and what changes may affect you in the coming months. MNsure is a local healthcare reform plan that is intended to help Minnesotans but is proving it may not be the most reliable option. Buying privately can be a safer option when choosing healthcare and it is not always as expensive as one would think. With a resource like Dave Toeben at Insight Insurance Services you will be better able to find a private plan that is inexpensive and encompasses all of your healthcare needs. Take a look at this testimonial from a couple who were experiencing healthcare confusion:
"When my husband and I received our health insurance rate increase of $160 per month we were frustrated! Since we already have a very high deductible, our insurance carrier has not paid out a penny for the years we have been with them. We knew it was time to search other insurance providers for a better rate. Neither of us was looking forward to the internet search and all the time it takes to provide our personal info, wait for quotes and then try and decipher what really is the best way for us to go.  
The mailing that Dave Toeben at Insight Insurance sent to us, to offer his services, was very timely. When we called him to see what he would provide, we realized he had the access, staff and knowledge to accomplish this for us. By providing some basic info to him, within a few days he had some quotes and we set up a time to discuss them. Our decision on a new carrier was made very easy. Dave saved us a lot of time by researching his network of providers and narrowing it down for us. He completed the application process and all the administrative pieces.  
I have recommended Dave to others because we find using the people who are experienced in a particular field saves us time and money." 
Dan & Karen Sauk Rapids MN
Federal healthcare plans like MNsure and the Affordable Care Act have been unstable and undergoing constant changes at such a high rate that it is almost impossible to keep up and to feel confident in our healthcare plans.

MNsure had to postpone their enrollment date which led to confusion for consumers. The Chief of MNsure just recently resigned without severance because she was unable to handle the scrutiny, changes, and confusion of her own healthcare option. With evidence like this it is clear that MNsure may be a risk that is not worth taking when shopping for a healthcare plan.

Dave Toeben, President and owner of Insight Insurance, has been a trusted resource in the St. Cloud area and has over 15 years of experience in the health insurance industry. In these confusing times it is important to have a trusted resource to call for healthcare information so that you, your loved ones, or your employees have the coverage necessary. Call Dave Toeben at Insight Insurance Services for help navigating these murky waters.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Why the Holidays Are the Perfect Time to Purchase Health Care

With the Affordable Care Act in the works and rolling out fully in January 2014, you may end up paying more for your current health care insurance. After all of the spending that occurs during the holidays do you really want the unwelcome surprise of a higher health care bill? I think not. That is why it is important to partner with an advisor to help you to find the best coverage for the lowest price. Here's an example of an individual who reached out for help when trying to navigate the health care maze:
"Navigating the new health insurance landscape was proving challenging for me. The exchange websites are famously and frustratingly flawed, so not a great option for me as I looked for information.  Dave was readily available, took time to understand my situation and needs, and provided a variety of options for my consideration. I enthusiastically recommend Dave and his agency to anyone trying to sort out their health insurance decisions."
St Cloud MN
If you or your loved ones do not already have health insurance the holidays are a great time to purchase coverage because a lot of health related incidents happen around the holiday season. Different types of viruses and the flu tend to spread in the winter months and good health coverage would help combat the expenses associated with doctor visits and medications. The holidays are also a time when more accidents occur. We hope that accidents can be avoided, but sometimes they just cannot and that’s why it is good to be prepared with a quality health insurance plan.

If your family or friends do not have health insurance the holidays are a good time to discuss this with them because you are together more frequently. With all of the dinners and parties during the holiday season it may be easier to have a casual conversation with your loved ones about looking for health care insurance and how they can utilize an advisor to find coverage that is inexpensive but still comprehensive.

Here at Insight Insurance Services we want you to have a safe and happy holiday! We can help you and your loved ones to find the health care coverage that is right for you and your budget. There is no better time than now!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Origins of Health Care

Health insurance has changed radically over the past few months. Have you ever wondered how it has changed over the past few years, decades, or even centuries?

Insurance, broadly speaking, is designed to protect someone from loss and has been used in different forms since the second millennium BC. As medical knowledge became more advanced it also became more valuable. Medical practitioners soon moved from practicing medicine in their homes to a centralized medical practice. As time went on, physicians became more knowledgeable and specialized. In order to further their research resources were necessary and expenses started to accrue. Because of the expenses necessary for the medical advances the cost of medical services started to rise.
Individual “health” insurance plans started around the Civil War. At that time these plans were referred to as “accident insurance”. The accident insurance was used to provide coverage for injuries caused by travel on the railroad or a steamboat. Accident insurance soon spread into a type of coverage referred to in the U.S. as “sickness insurance”. Sickness insurance was more closely related to today’s disability insurance. Sickness insurance would supplement income for those who were chronically ill or disabled.

In 1911 the British passed their National Insurance Act and coined the phrase “health insurance”. Still around the 1920’s health insurance was not frequently purchased because many did not feel that the state of medical technology was at any point in which it would be beneficial to receive health care outside of their homes, which is what health insurance tended to cover. In 1929 a few Dallas-based teachers came together with a local hospital and proposed to receive a set amount of sick and hospital days for a fixed, prepaid rate. Prepaid hospital visits became very popular especially during the Depression, proving to be beneficial for both sides during hard economic times.

The American Hospital Association became to create a financial community in order to benefit their association and their patients. The hospitals that came together in this community did so under the name Blue Cross. The medical and the judicial world started to cross paths more frequently on the issues of health care and the government started to encourage individuals and businesses to develop prepaid plans with their employer or organizations such as Blue Cross.

The market started to grow and in 1965 Congress enacted Medicare and Medicaid. Things boomed from their and between then and now there have been many stumbling blocks in the health care world. The long running debate between privately held health care or government funded health care raged on and we have now reached where we are today… which is just as chaotic as it has ever been.

With all of the medical technology coming out every day it is difficult for health care to keep up in order to adequately protect all of the consumers and their needs. With the ever changing world of health care and medical technology it is important to have a resource to reach out to in order to help you, your family, or your small business find the coverage that is affordable and adequate for the needs of yourself and those important to you.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Take Control of Your Health Care

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be fully implemented January 1st, 2014. One of the main objectives of the Affordable Care Act is to make shopping and comparing health care plans easier and more transparent. The problem is that this is not exactly the case. With all of the health care changes occurring now, and in the coming year, it is more important than ever to understand which health care is the best for you.

Obama claims “if you are happy with your health care, you can keep it”. The problem with this is that the health care you have now may be much more expensive once the ACA is in place in January. In order to find the health care plan that is the best for you and your loved ones, or your small business, you should seek out an advisor. 94% of small businesses say that they need an advisor to help with the coming changes of the Affordable Care Act.

The need for an advisor not only applies to small business owners but also to individuals. An advisor can help you find the health care plan that suits your needs and is at the lowest cost to you. Dave Toeben of Insight Insurance is now providing this advisory service for no charge. Below is a testimonial from one of his clients showing how much benefit this service can truly offer.


"When my husband and I received our health insurance rate increase of $160 per month we were frustrated! Since we already have a very high deductible, our insurance carrier has not paid out a penny for the years we have been with them. We knew it was time to search other insurance providers for a better rate. Neither of us was looking forward to the internet search and all the time it takes to provide our personal info, wait for quotes and then try and decipher what really is the best way for us to go.

The mailing that Dave Toeben at Insight Insurance sent to us, to offer his services, was very timely. When we called him to see what he would provide, we realized he had the access, staff and knowledge to accomplish this for us. By providing some basic info to him, within a few days he had some quotes and we set up a time to discuss them. Our decision on a new carrier was made very easy. Dave saved us a lot of time by researching his network of providers and narrowing it down for us. He completed the application process and all the administrative pieces.

I have recommended Dave to others because we find using the people who are experienced in a particular field saves us time and money."
-Dan & Karen (Sauk Rapids, MN)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Health Care Questions?

  1. Do I need to purchase health insurance from the Minnesota exchange?
  2. Do I qualify for a government health insurance subsidy?
  3. Should I purchase health insurance from: Blue Cross Blue Shield, U Care, Medica, Preferred One, Health Partners, Assurant, OR the Government?
  4. I own a small business. Am I required to provide health insurance for my employees?
  5. How do preexisting medical conditions affect me?
  6. How will my age affect the cost of my health insurance?
  7. I can’t afford a $5,000 deductible. What are my other options?
  8. Which health insurance option is best for keeping the cost of my prescription medication low?
  9. How does the new law affect people who are insured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (MCHA), and am I covered under the high risk pool?
  10. What is the penalty if I do not purchase health insurance?
Confusion reigns supreme... but it does not have to.

Dave Toeben, owner of Insight Insurance Services, can be your local resource for health insurance information.

Dave has operated Insight Insurance Services in St. Cloud for 15 years. He is professional, knowledgeable, highly ethical, and well respected within the insurance industry. Dave will act as your advisor, your guide through the health care maze of confusion. There is no cost for his valuable services! The insurance companies pay him. Dave will act as your advocate. He has no vested interest in which program you choose. His only job is to provide you professional advice as to what health insurance option is best for you. 

Even if you believe you already have a satisfactory insurance plan, you may want to think again. Premiums for people who currently have individual health insurance plans are increasing 20-40%. The new plans beginning in 2014 for Minnesota residents have premiums that are far more reasonable and inexpensive. The possibility of being able to have better coverage and benefits at a lower price is worth scheduling a FREE consultation with Dave.

Once again, there is no cost to you for his consultation services. Consults will take around ten minutes- that's all Dave needs to determine which option is best for you. This is a far better alternative to calling the exchange and being put on hold for an hour, and not knowing the professional on the other line. Information needed to get started are: the name and DOB for each person insured, along with the zip code and country for the household.

Schedule a meeting with Dave. His professional insights will successfully guide you through the maze of health care confusion.

Dave Toeben

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Give Your Eyes the Attention They Need!

Our eyes are a very valuable asset to our being. How much different would your life be if you weren’t able to see? In this day and age we are constantly looking at the screen. We are looking at our phone screen, the TV screen, the computer screen, and all of this has an impact on our eyes. Healthcare costs are high, and eye care health may fall by the wayside when dealing with other health costs. Vision insurance can help with some of these issues, while making sure your eyes are getting the adequate health attention that they need!

Glasses or Contact Lenses 

Every single day you encounter someone who has glasses or wears contact lenses. Impaired vision is so prevalent today that many may overlook it. Did you know that the average pair of glasses costs 20x as much as it was to produce? The average pair of glasses is $300-$800. This is a hunk of money and is not optional for those with impaired vision! What about contacts? There are many types of contact lenses that are used for different types of vision impairment. Contact lenses can tack on $300-$100 per year including solution.

Lasik eye surgery 

Lasik eye surgery is a great way to solve vision impairment. Lasik eye surgery can be very expensive. There are many factors that go into the price of a Lasik procedure but the averages for 2013 were $1,500-$3,000. With vision insurance there are some discounts offered for Lasik eye surgery.

Annual Eye and Vision exams


Just simply checking up on your vision health can create a strain on your wallet. An average eye exam can range $50-$100 per visit. It is recommended that even without any symptoms of vision impairment that an adult between 18-60 years of age should have an eye exam every two years, while those who are 61+ should have an eye exam annually. Eye and vision exams are also more expensive when being prescribed contact lenses.

Vision Insurance is requested by individuals all of the time. Individuals of any age can receive vision insurance benefits through Insight. Unique plans, developed to fit your individual needs, are available and affordable. Stop by our website or give Dave an email ( to learn how a vision insurance plan can keep your eyes healthy and happy!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Our Freshbenies Program was Recently Featured in a CNN Money Article!

In our last blog we described the many benefits Insight Insurance Services’ Freshbenies program can offer an individual, such as telehealth, dental care, and vision discounts. In a nutshell, the Freshbenies program is a 24/7 call a doctor service and health discount card. 

Recently, Freshbenies was featured in a CNN Money report. The article discusses how Freshbenies was started by a former insurance broker- Reid Rasmussen (Pictured below with his wife, and co-founder of Freshbenies, Heidi). Rasmussen explains how he felt that the out of pocket costs for healthcare would skyrocket for the average consumer once Obamacare was in place. Rasmussen
brainstormed on how these out of pocket costs could be avoided, and he came up with Freshbenies: a subscription service that sells non-insurance concierge-like medical services. Members simply have to pay $12 a month (per family) to receive access to six bundled services. Freshbenies has now become an obvious choice for those without health insurance, and it is also great for those that are insured. Since their launch in 2009, Freshbenies has now reached over 20,000 households!!

Another new development for Freshbenies involves their telehealth service, “Teladoc.” Teladoc recently acquired “Consult A Doctor,” which has aided in expanding their service offerings and membership base. This acquisition will allow the company to expand its unique service offerings and continue to grow and bring innovative solutions to the marketplace.

If you would like to learn more about this rapidly growing program directly from an expert, please contact Dave Toeben at

© 2013 Teladoc, Inc. All rights reserved. Teladoc and the Teladoc logo are registered trademarks of Teladoc, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. Teladoc does not replace the primary care physician. Teladoc does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. Teladoc operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Teladoc does not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. Teladoc physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. Teladoc phone consultations are available 24 hours, 7 days a week while video consultations are available during the hours of 7am to 9pm, 7 days a week.

This plan is NOT insurance.
This plan provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for medical services.
This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. Pharmacy discounts range from 10% to 85% on most medications. The plan member is obligated to pay for all healthcare services but will receive a discount from those healthcare providers who have contracted with the discount plan organization. The plan is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This discount card program contains a 30 day cancellation period. The range of discounts for medical or ancillary services provided under the plan will vary depending on the type of provider and medical or ancillary service received. The discount medical card program makes available, before purchase and upon request, a list of program providers, including the name, city, state, and specialty of each program provider located in the cardholder’s service area. Member shall receive a full refund of membership fees, excluding registration fee, if membership is cancelled within the first 30 days after the effective date. AR and TN residents: A refund of all fees will be issued if membership is cancelled within the first 30 days. MD Residents: The membership fee and one-time registration fee (minus $5.00) will be refunded if cancelled within the first 30 days and upon return of the discount card. Discount Medical Plan Organization: New Benefits, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 671309 Dallas, TX 75367-1309, 800-800-7616. Website to obtain participating providers: