Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Give Your Eyes the Attention They Need!

Our eyes are a very valuable asset to our being. How much different would your life be if you weren’t able to see? In this day and age we are constantly looking at the screen. We are looking at our phone screen, the TV screen, the computer screen, and all of this has an impact on our eyes. Healthcare costs are high, and eye care health may fall by the wayside when dealing with other health costs. Vision insurance can help with some of these issues, while making sure your eyes are getting the adequate health attention that they need!

Glasses or Contact Lenses 

Every single day you encounter someone who has glasses or wears contact lenses. Impaired vision is so prevalent today that many may overlook it. Did you know that the average pair of glasses costs 20x as much as it was to produce? The average pair of glasses is $300-$800. This is a hunk of money and is not optional for those with impaired vision! What about contacts? There are many types of contact lenses that are used for different types of vision impairment. Contact lenses can tack on $300-$100 per year including solution.

Lasik eye surgery 

Lasik eye surgery is a great way to solve vision impairment. Lasik eye surgery can be very expensive. There are many factors that go into the price of a Lasik procedure but the averages for 2013 were $1,500-$3,000. With vision insurance there are some discounts offered for Lasik eye surgery.

Annual Eye and Vision exams


Just simply checking up on your vision health can create a strain on your wallet. An average eye exam can range $50-$100 per visit. It is recommended that even without any symptoms of vision impairment that an adult between 18-60 years of age should have an eye exam every two years, while those who are 61+ should have an eye exam annually. Eye and vision exams are also more expensive when being prescribed contact lenses.

Vision Insurance is requested by individuals all of the time. Individuals of any age can receive vision insurance benefits through Insight. Unique plans, developed to fit your individual needs, are available and affordable. Stop by our website or give Dave an email ( to learn how a vision insurance plan can keep your eyes healthy and happy!

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